TAI CHI Advanced & Beginners
Venue: Leslie Park 9.00am
Convenor: Avis Stehn 0438 511983 


Tai Chi – Beginners – Fridays 9:00 am

This class is open to anyone who has completed the first 4 levels of Yang style Tai Chi. The class is held in Leslie Park on the Guy Street side commencing at 9am on Fridays during school term. If the weather is rainy or too wet underfoot, the class is conducted in the Rotunda on the Palmerin St side of Leslie Park.

This year the students will learn levels 5 and 6 of Yang style Tai Chi as well as continuing to pract.ise Shibashi 1 and 2 and Marissa’s Mood Lifter QiGong.

Wear appropriate loose fitting clothing, flat shoes and bring a bottle of water as we exercise outdoor ‘in all weather conditions.

There will be a beginners Tai Chi class commencing in 2024. This is a three-year course.

Tai Chi – Advanced – Thursdays 9:00 am

This Tai Chi class is open to anyone who has completed the 6 levels of Yang style Tai Chi. The class is held in Leslie Park on the Guy Street side commencing at 9am on Thursdays during school term. If the weather is rainy or too wet underfoot, the class is conducted in the Rotunda on the Palmerin St s.ide of Leslie Park.

To add interest to our morning exercise, I am introducing a new Qigong routine to learn each year. In 2023 we will learn Baduan Jin or 8 Brocade Qigong an exercise originating in the 12th Century.

Wear appropriate loose-fitting clothing, flat shoes and bring a bottle of water as we exercise outdoors in all-weather conditions.