U3A Warwick recruitment drive for 2024 committee

Members are reminded of our annual general meeting, which will be held on Friday 24th November 2023. All committee positions will be declared vacant at this meeting and nominations are invited from the membership base.

Several long-term committee members have advised they will be standing down from their positions in 2024.

A nomination form can be downloaded from the website, or you can contact the Secretary. Nominations, with a proposer and seconder (who must be current members), should be received by the secretary no later than 14 days before the AGM.  Proposer, seconder, and nominee should all sign the form.

People can also nominate from the floor on the day if there are any vacant positions. Apart from the three key positions, members may nominate to be on the committee and will be assigned a role.

Executive committee positions are: President, Secretary, Treasurer. Other committee positions include vice president, course coordinator, publicity officer, newsletter editor, membership admin officer, social convenor, and community liaison officer.

Nominations close on November 10 although as noted above, members may nominate from the floor without prior notice.

The annual general meeting will be held on Friday 24th November at our rooms, 1 Tooth Street. Doors open at 10am for a 10.30am start.
